A Series of Unfortunate Events
Hey there,
Seeing as my writing is going rather slow recently and I’ve not got much to update you all on, I thought I’d use this chance on my blog to give you more of an insight into my brain, starting with one of my favourite series of all time!
Do you like A Series of Unfortunate Events?
I absolutely bloody love it!
I first read the books as a kid, and again as a teen, and have even read them multiple times as an adult, and with every reread, they only get better and better.
The Jim Carrey film is amazing, as is the Neil Patrick Harris Netflix show, and I think it’s one of those rare cases where the adaptation is as good as the books!
Each book has a different dedication to Beatrice and here’s my favourite:
“For Beatrice -
I cherished, you perished.
The world’s been nightmarished.”
Until next time,