Disease re-release!

Hey there,

I was hoping that I’d have super, super good news and that I’d have both Disease and Disturbed ready to go today, but unfortunately, things happened that prevented that from becoming a thing.

I’m a full-time carer for a loved one so sometimes finding time where my brain wants to write and isn’t totally done in can be a little hard.

But anyway, Disease is up and ready for you! Thank you so much if you read Disorder after the re-edits and have been patiently waiting for this next book. I really appreciate all the messages I’ve received begging for more of this world. I really love Skylar and the boys, and this book is my favourite of the trilogy - if I had to choose - and I’m hoping it delivers the same punch as Disorder did.

If you already have Disease downloaded on your Kindle, then I have asked Amazon to make it possible for you to update the existing file so you can have the new version too!

Also, to celebrate, Disorder is free right now if you haven’t started the series yet! Or if you read in KU but would like to read again whenever you feel like it.

Until next time,

Katie Lowrie




Only one week to go!