Five Days To Go

Skylar Crescent thought that a scholarship to Hawthorn Academy would change her life. 

And she’s right. It will. 
Just not in the way she expects. 

The Sect and The Set rule the school.
I rule the school. 

Yet ever since she appeared at Hawthorn Academy, I’ve found myself doubting it all. 

Doubting the plan. 

The girl has got to go. 
Got to leave this place and never return. 

And even though I won’t admit it to anybody. 
There’s a small part of me that wants her to stay.

**Disturbed is book four in the Hawthorn Academy Series. It is a dark high school bully teen and new adult romance and contains themes that some readers might find uncomfortable.

This book needs to be read after completing the Hawthorn Academy trilogy. **

Until next time,


Three Days To Go


One Week til Dispose