History audio tours

Hey there,

Following on from my post last week about Hampton Court Palace, I thought I’d talk about the free audio tour guide you can take around with you.

Whenever I go somewhere with an audio tour, I snap that tablet/guide up as fast as I can!

There’s nothing like experiencing history while listening to the experts giving you an insight you’d never have without the audio tour. There aren’t many signs up at Hampton Court Palace, so to really learn the most you can, the audio tour is where it’s at. Plus, I love listening to both the adult expert tour and the fun family one — sometimes the information is different and you learn twice as much!

Do you listen to the audio tours when you visit historical places? Tell me one that sticks out in your mind! (Mine was Framlingham Castle when I was a kid. That thing was hilarious.)

Until next time,

Katie Lowrie


*It was a very, very hot and humid day!


curiouser and curiouser


I went to Hampton Court Palace