Sky, there is so much you don’t understand.

Hey there,

Here’s me trying to convince you to read Disease, the second book in the Hawthorn Academy trilogy.

He shook his head, his eyes once again glinting with malice. ‘Let’s go further into the trees.’ 

‘I never said we could leave this spot.’ 

‘You didn’t have to.’ He turned away from me and started walking away, so cocksure I would trail behind.  

‘I don’t want to,’ I grumbled, but followed him regardless. A large part of me was curious, and unlike the cat, I wasn’t dead yet. 

With one last glance of assurance to Leo, I followed Ollie at a fast enough pace to keep up with him, not wanting to lose sight of him.

He stopped, far enough away we could only hear the music from the party as a low hum. The bass thumped in the background, but the music itself was indecipherable. 

‘Sky, there is so much you don’t understand.’ Our gazes locked, and I wished I could see behind the façade. See the truth. His truth. ‘So much you need to know.’

Until next time,

Katie Lowrie


I went to Hampton Court Palace

