Winter Wonderland

Hey there,

I thought I'd share some pictures of me and my family at Winter Wonderland in London a couple of weeks ago.

My youngest brother Robert has always wanted to go, and every year when somebody else in the family would go, he'd cry to me about it. So this year, it was my mission to make sure the kid got to go! 

(I call him the kid as he's the youngest, but in reality he just turned twenty.)

Basically, he's always wanted to be a bauble on a christmas tree. It's a ride they have at Winter Wonderland where you sit in a bauble while the tree spins and you fly up and down.

His exact words to me: 'I've always wondered what it would be like to be a bauble.' 

So finally, he got his wish! 

Afterwards, I asked him if it was everything he'd always thought it would be.

His response:

'It was everything I always dreamed it would be and more.'

He melts my heart, and is one of the reasons I write.

Until next time,

Katie Lowrie


Cover reveal time!!


Title reveal!